

Changed full layout
Added home page
Added updates page
Added blog page
Added about page
Added links page
Added favicon
Added box css in home page
Centered "Home" title in home page
Added "why "monkiemp3"?" and "what is this site for?" sections in home page
Made resources link (not page yet)


Added resources page
Added "What can i expect from this site?" section in home page
Centered "About" title in about page
Added about image
Added info about me in about page
Added css box in about page
Added "About me links" title in about page
Centered "Updates" title in updates page
Centered "Resources" title in resources page
Added links in "About me links" section in about page
Added new resources in resources page


Expanded about page
Added transparent of my pokesona in about page
Changed title from Branch section in about to "About: Branch"
Changed title in Branch's links to "Branch links"
Changed index avatar to Branch (Will update slowly)